Saturday, 3 September 2016

Eating Clean for Skin Allergies

Recently, our son had the worst skin allergy ever (worse than his childhood eczema) because red spots appeared on his body and then worked their way outwards to his arms and legs.
Thank God that they were NOT itchy and he had NO fever. 

The worse thing was to have 3 doctors coming up with 3 different diagnoses:

One doctor diagnosed them as bed bugs,
The second doctor saw them as chicken pox and gave him TWO WEEKS of medical leave. 
Finally, a third doctor ruled out chicken pox and prescribed antihistamines since I noticed a slight itch. 


For me, it has been a few harrowing weeks because we had to determine if it was contagious (thankfully, it's not) because he'd have to be out of school for weeks!

I put him on an elimination diet (or rather a clean eating diet) that consisted of brown rice, broth, fish, lots of fruits and vegetables and plain yoghurt flavoured with dried fruit and honey. 

Hydrogen water

He has also been drinking 1-2 packs of IZUMIO Hydrogenized water, which I'd ordered for my muscle fatigue, and I've even given him a spa treatment - he sighs as he says that the hydrogen water feels cool on his skin. 

After TWO months, the red spots are drying up and it looks like his skin is on its way to recovery... 

Thank God for Hydrogen mineral water because this product has been highly effective for eczema and psoriasis - the last doctor was going to refer him to a dermatologist, who he knows WILL prescribed cortisteroids or steroid creams. 

NO, thank you! 

I'd managed his baby eczema and I know the damaging effects of steroid creams on our skin thus I did not want to go down that road again. 

To be honest, I was a bit skeptical about Hydogen water since this skin allergy is taking a while but I am glad that I stuck with it. 

If you're looking for an alternative therapy for eczema or any other skin-related condition, do consider Hydrogen mineral water. 

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