Happy New Year 2017 :)
I am starting the new year with a grateful heart because last July 2016, I had been at my wits' end trying to figure out my son's skin problem.
Thank God for IZUMIO Hydrogen water and Super Lutein, we have been able to celebrate my little girl's birthday with a lot of food he could eat including my homemade cake, jelly and other goodies (yay!!!).
Now, we can look forward to preparing for his own birthday this year.
Introduction to Hydrogen
If you look at the image below, you'll see the relative sizes of all popular antioxidants we have been taking e.g. vitamin C when you catch a cold, get the flu etc.
Do you notice that molecular Hydrogen is a teeny, tiny little dot on the left on its own?
"Small is beautiful" especially when we're talking about antioxidants that can penetrate each and every cell in our body. We want all the good guys to get into every dark corner and zap them oxidation.
It's like scrubbing the bathroom floor (or toilet bowl), you know? You'll look for the tiniest, softest brush that can reach the that spot hiding in the corner of the bathroom floor.
Or in the case of the toilet bowl, you'd want that toilet cleaner with the swan spout that will distribute liquid under the bowl. That's the same situation with our bodies - we want whatever we're taking to reach each and every corner of our body from the tips of our fingers till the ends of our toes.
Due to its small size, it easily crosses cell membranes and has access to parts of the cell that other antioxidants are too large to reach.
Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is an excellent and a unique antioxidant.
"In a healthy body a balance exists between the generation of radicals and the antioxidant enzymes that neutralise them.
Oxidative stress is the result of an imbalance between the production of ROS/RNS and the body’s ability to detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage.
Cells are protected against oxidative stress by an interacting network of antioxidant enzymes, which are
- Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) (superoxide radical)
- Catalase (CAT) (hydrogen peroxide) and
- Glutathione Peroxidase (peroxide).
Molecular Hydrogen is smart antioxidant
Did you know that molecular Hydrogen selectively targets free radicals?
Hydrogen scavenges the hydroxyl radical and increases the body’s natural antioxidant molecules.Now, not all antioxidants are as smart - if you know any cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, you'll know that they are NOT allowed to take supplements during treatment.
Because antioxidants may interfere with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, except for Hydrogen because it's a selective antioxidant.
Research based on over 350 scientific studies into the potential health benefits of molecular hydrogen has shown a number of conditions, especially those with a strong oxidative and inflammatory element in their progression, may be improved by the therapeutic use of Molecular Hydrogen.
These conditions include, but are not limited to:Source
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Cardiovascular health
• Obesity
• Fatigue
• Cognitive function
• Gastrointestinal Function including
– Liver detoxification capacity
– Pancreatitis
• Chronic pain and inflammation
• Abnormal cell division
• Immune function"
Why Hydrogen-rich water?
Every chromosome, amino acid and protein block in our bodies need Hydrogen to build good quality cells.As the smallest atom in the chemical chart of elements, Hydrogen can access the deepest darkest parts of the body (mitochondrial cells) where other elements cannot reach.
When a person drinks hydrogenized water, particularly molecular hydrogen (H2),
the H2 binds with O (oxygen=free radicals that cause oxidation) = H2O (water) in the body and is discharged as urine.
Drinking hydrogenized water neutralizes free radicals, which are then flushed out from your body in the form of urine.